Friday , February 7 2025

WearCheck showcases condition monitoring at Mining Indaba 2025

Scientific oil analysis, transformer oil analysis, reliability services and water testing & analysis – these are some of the condition monitoring techniques on show at WearCheck’s stand at the 2025 Investing in Africa Mining Indaba in Cape Town’s ICC from 3 – 6 February this year.

As a specialist condition monitoring company, WearCheck offers a wide variety of  predictive maintenance techniques, products and services that benefit the mining industry across Africa.

At WearCheck’s stand (K21), hosted by marketing manager, Vanessa Evans,  a team of technical experts will be demonstrating some of the company’s world-class technology-based solutions.

Evans explains, ‘Mining Indaba visitors form a key target audience for us, as we can show them exactly how our tried and tested condition monitoring techniques can enhance their operations. This applies to potential new customers as well as to our long-term clients – it is a golden opportunity for us to showcase the most up-to-date technology and our most innovative solutions.

‘Our team always enjoys the chance to meet up with our customers in person, many of whom have been with WearCheck for so long (some of them since our inception 48 years ago),  that they are more like old friends than clients.’

WearCheck’s core service is the scientific analysis of used oil, fuel and other fluids. This process entails analysing fluid samples for trace particles, which indicate a particular component that could be suffering unusual wear patterns. A team of specialist diagnosticians then assesses the results, and proposes a course of remedial action, if it is required.

The company has expanded to offer additional predictive maintenance techniques, which are selected for each client’s condition monitoring programme based on the machinery and components being monitored. Some of these include asset reliability care (ARC) services, transformer chemistry services and advanced field services (AFS) such as non-destructive testing (NDT), technical compliance (TC) and rope condition assessment. WearCheck also offers lubrication-enabled reliability (LER), providing clients with bespoke solutions to ensure that their lubrication systems are well managed, efficient and cost effective.

Furthermore, WearCheck’s expansive service offering also includes scientific water analysis through its water division, which analyses the quality of wastewater, groundwater and surface water in areas surrounding mining and exploration sites.

The water division caters to a variety of needs. For example, ensuring that effluent/wastewater is compliant and safe for disposal is essential. Compliance with municipal by-laws and environmental safety standards allows for the safe disposal of wastewater into streams and rivers.

Additionally, ground and surface water quality analysis allows for determination of water safety for use on equipment, drinking, washing and other purposes.

WearCheck can be found at stand K21 at the 2025 mining indaba.

For further information, please visit, call head office on +27 31 700-5460 or email

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